I simply cant begin to adequately describe this masterpiece aside from using the most insanely colorful adjectives in the English language, and even then its nearly impossible.
Many months have passed since Ive embarked on a journey to conquer all of the Final Fantasy games in the App Store, all the while contemplating doing the same with the Dragon Quest series. While I was tempted, I was still very much involved with FF so I continued to put it off, but now that Ive beaten all the Final Fantasy titles many months back (aside from FF9) I was more than ready to embark on the Japanese gaming sensation that is Dragon Quest.
I have already beaten the first two DQ games and while the second game was a big improvement over the first, its simply NOTHING compared to the ginormagantuan improvement that Dragon Quest 3 is over Dragon Quest two. For starters this game is, as the Donald would say, UUUUUUUUUUGE!!! Its is so much larger than the first two titles its insane! Dragon Quest 3 feels much more like a full-length massive JRPG whereas 1&2 feel more like demos by comparison. I absolutely ADORE 1&2, but nowhere near as much as I love this massive masterpiece! Ive stated before that its obvious that the DQ series will end up just like the Final Fantasy games in the sense the each one is better than the last, so at this point Im not at all surprised, and I am fully anticipating Dragon Quest 4 being even better, but nothing could have prepared me for this.
There are so many wonderful things to do in this game, from the job class system (which has always been my favorite in the FF games), to the ridiculously vast array of magic spell to be acquired through experience. Not to mention the fact that there are a plethora of wonderful accessories to equip that offer a lot of different attributes and modifications. All of these things combined together deliver an incredibly deep and strategically technical battle experience! Extra curricular activities such as gambling in the underground monster arenas to collecting mini medals and exchanging them for super dope items give the game a even larger scope of things to do. Im serious when I say this game is BIG. Just when you think youre at the end, an entire other world opens up, easily adding an extra 5 to 10 hours of gameplay (and as if that werent enough theres even an extra dungeon that you unlock once you beat the game), and its that aforementioned last 10 hours that is incredibly important to the overall story line. So without spoiling the experience, all I will say is that you WILL cry. That brings me to the final boss. Again for fear of spoilers, all I will say about it is that the "true" final boss will make you run home to mommy. I know that I said the final boss in DQ2 was one of the hardest bosses Ive ever fought in my life, and while this is still very true, the final boss in DQ3 makes him look like Mickey Mouse.
All in all, my journey through the massive world of DQ3 was filled with some of the very best gameplay, storytelling, strategy, and one ofthe most ridiculously bad@$$ final bosses of ALL TIME!!! I truly understand now why Dragon Quest 3 has been regarded as not only one of the best in the series, but one of the best RPGs of all time period!!!!!!!! Next stop Dragon Quest 4‼️‼️‼️‼️
UncleSlam Temple about DRAGON QUEST III, v1.0.0